We are just back from our seventh FOIL – Future Of Innate Lab – retreat at Raitenhaslach!
During the days we had heated (as expected in summer) discussions about not only our own projects but also the state of the art in various fields of our interest. It offered us a great overview of things going on inside and outside of our lab. Together we identified goals for individuals and the lab as a whole. We can’t wait to incorporate the new ideas and technologies in the upcoming year!

We concluded each day with a number of soft skill training. We improved our concentration at the Innate Pool Tournament and built some physical strength at the Innate Olympics (swimming, beach volleyball, Speedminton, long jump). Our creativity was further boosted by an intense dance workshop and an improvised Innate Band by the beautiful Wöhrsee.
We returned home with sores in our bodies, inspiration in our minds and joy in our hearts! Refreshed, we look forward to the future opportunities and challenges to fight virus infection!
Text by Yiqi. Photos by Andreas, Antonio, Anqi, Dorsa, Jyoti, Lila, Susanne and Virginie.