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Immunopathology of Virus Infections
Andreas Pichlmair

Andreas Pichlmair

The main focus of my laboratory lies in the interaction between viral pathogens and their hosts. We are using a combination of systems biology and hypothesis-driven approaches to understand on a functional and mechanistic basis which proteins and pathways are involved in the host’s antiviral defense. A particular research focus lies in interactions between viral nucleic acids or viral proteins with cellular factors as well as the organization of a general antiviral response mastered by the innate immune system.

I studied Veterinary Medicine in Vienna and performed my doctoral thesis (DVM, 2004) at the Institute of Virology of the University of Freiburg (Prof. Otto Haller). Thereafter I joined the Cancer Research UK (LRI – now Francis-Crick Institute) (Prof. Caetano Reis e Sousa) for a PhD (finished 2008) followed by a post-doc at the Center for Molecular Medicine (Prof. Giulio Superti-Furga). In 2011, I established my own laboratory at the Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry (Munich, Germany) that moved to the Institute of Virology at the Technical University Munich in 2017.
Robert Baier

Robert Baier

Technical Assistant
Valter Bergant

Valter Bergant

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Batiste Bonnal

Data Scientist

Dorsa Farhadnia

PhD Student

Adnan Fojnica

PhD Student

Di Ge

PhD Student
Virginie Girault

Virginie Girault

PhD Student

Corinna Grünke

PhD Student

Alexander Henrici

PhD Student

Yiqi Huang

PhD Student

Susanne Maidl


Anastasiia Okhtienko

PhD Student

Antonio Piras

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Lara Rheinemann

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Jennifer Risso Ballester

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Melissa Verin

Data Scientist

Jyoti Vishwakarma

PhD Student

Anqi Wang

PhD Student


Emotional Support


  • Lila Oubraham (Algeria/Germany, Lab manager)
  • Karsten Krey (Germany, PhD)
  • Sabri Hamad (UAE, Data Scientist)
  • Quirin Emslander (Germany, PhD)
  • Aleksandra Babnis (Poland, PhD)
  • Lina Adams (Germany, Master student)
  • Hannah Fisher (Germany, Master student)
  • Sarah Singer (Germany, Master student)
  • Shenle Li (China, Master student)
  • Raphel König (Germany, Master student)
  • Constanze Gremmelmaier (Germany, Master student)
  • Vincent Grass (France, Postdoc), now Senior Development Scientist at Beckman Coulter Diagnostics, Marseille, France
  • Line Lykke Andersen (Denmark, PhD)
  • Lukas Kraller (Germany, Master student)
  • Andreas Risch (Germany, Master student), now Research Intern at Bavarian Nordic
  • Christian Urban (Germany, PhD), now Scientist at Roche, Penzberg
  • Alexey Stukalov (Russia, Postdoc), now Staff Bioinformatics Scientist at Seer, California, United States
  • Sarah Mundigl (Germany, Master student)
  • Alexander Herrmann (Germany, Postdoc), now Scientific Coordinator at Helmholtz Munich
  • Maria Mühlhofer (Germany, Master student), now PhD student at Haass Lab, DZNE Munich
  • Teresa Lavacca (Germany, Master student), now PhD student at Ralf Bartenschlager’s lab, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
  • Friederike Pennemann (Germany, PhD), now Risk Assessor at RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, Netherlands
  • Darya Haas (Belarus, Postdoc), now Scientist Vaccine Generation at Bavarian Nordic
  • Pietro Scaturro (Italy, Postdoc), now Junior Research Group Leader at Heinrich Pette Institute, Hamburg
  • Beatrice Laudenbach (Germany, Postdoc), now Scientist at Coriolis Pharma Research GmbH, Munich
  • Anna Gebhardt (Germany, Postdoc), now Scientist at Coriolis Pharma Research GmbH, Munich
  • Arno Meiler (Germany, PhD)
  • Philipp Hubel (Germany, PhD), now Research Fellow at the Core Facility Hohenheim, Universität Hohenheim
  • Cathleen Holze (Germany, Postdoc), now Trainee at Boehringer Ingelheim, Biberach
  • Angelika Mann (Germany, Lab Manager), now Research Technician at DKFZ, Heidelberg
  • Matthias Habjan (Austria, Postdoc), now Research Scientist at Bavarian Nordic, Munich