Discovery of a cellular degradation mechanism for viral PPP-RNA

We are excited to share that our manuscript was recently published in Nature Communications. You can now read about our work on the evolutionarily conserved class of Nudix hydrolases in the context of innate immunity.

We identified Nudix hydrolase 2 (NUDT2) as one key player to clear cells from viral triphosphorylated RNA (PPP-RNA). NUDT2 trims those RNAs into monophosphorylated RNA (P-RNA), which then serve as a substrate for the canonical XRN-1 degradation pathway.

This was a great collaborative effort, and we thank all our collaborators for their contributions. Congratulations to Bea, Karsten, Quirin, Line, Pietro, Sarah, and Andreas.

Read the whole story here: NUDT2 initiates viral RNA degradation by removal of 5′-phosphates