Our review on screening strategies is published in Viruses

Novel approaches and careful experimental design, combined with large-scale, high-throughput methods and cutting-edge analysis pipelines, have to be utilized to delineate the antiviral innate immune landscape at a global level. In this review, we describe different currently used screening approaches, how they contributed to our knowledge on virus–host interactions, and essential considerations that have to be taken into account when planning such experiments.

The review can be found here.

Now available: SARS-CoV-2 testing platforms

Incucyte S3 live-cell imaging screening paltform

We recently established a screening platform based on an incucyte S3 time-lapse microscopy system to test for antiviral drugs in BSL3 conditions. This allows us medium throughput testing (~72 compounds in 2-3 days) of antiviral compounds.

We are using  SARS-CoV-2 GFP  just published by our collaborator Volker Thiel, which serves as a great tool to study the influence of drugs in a time-resolved manner.

We want to thank for generous support from the Max-von-Bauernfeind Association and TUM!

10x Genomics - single-cell genomics in BSL-3 conditions

We recently installed a 10X single-cell sorter in our BSL3. Together with Herbert Schiller (Center of pulmonary diseases, Helmholtz) and other colleagues we are exploring new scientific avenues.

New Paper on cellular effects of persistent expression of viral nucleic acids

In this collaborative project, Chris and Hendrik found that long-term delivery of RIG-I ligand leads to cytostasis. Surprisingly, unlike found for other innate immune stimuli (e.g. LPS) persistent activation of the RIG-I pathway does not lead to tolerance. We hypothesize that this system recapitulates the situation in HCV-infected livers, which requires constant re-infection of cells in order to persistently propagate the virus. A beautiful story – which you can read here.

Christian Urban