New role of ZC3HAV1/ZAP in protection against HCMV
The Brinkmann Lab employs a multi-omic approach to identify novel antiviral roles of ZAP in decelerating HCMV infections. We bring in the proteomic component.
The Brinkmann Lab employs a multi-omic approach to identify novel antiviral roles of ZAP in decelerating HCMV infections. We bring in the proteomic component.
We helped our collaborators from the Hartmann and Imler labs find two cGAS-like receptors that regulate antiviral immunity in flies!
Our collaboration with the Protzer Lab helps identify a new anti-HBV host factor, ISG20!
Scientific community can use these deep and comprehensive data to understand COVID-19 molecular mechanisms.
Congratulations to our collaboration partners Stefan Bauernfried and Veit Hornung with whom we could identify NLRP1 as dsRNA sensor to activate the inflammasome leading to pyroptosis.
Check out our new review „System-Based Approaches to Delineate the Antiviral Innate Immune Landscape“, recently published in Viruses.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Pichlmair
Immunopathology of Virus Infections Laboratory, Institute of Virology, Technical University of Munich
Einsteinstr. 25, D-81675 Munich, Germany
tel: +49 (0) 89 4140 9270, email: andreas.pichlmair@tum.de
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