Now available: SARS-CoV-2 testing platforms
Medium throughput functional screens and single cell genomics
Medium throughput functional screens and single cell genomics
Congratulations to our collaborators of the Jan Baumbach lab! In a great effort they managed to generate a tool that uses interactome data to identify suitable drugs that may be active against SARS-CoV-2 – now accepted in Nature Communications. They generated a website that serves as highly suitable interface to browse interactomes and to identify suitable drugs (https://exbio.wzw.tum.de/covex/). Fantastic work – congratulations to the manuscript!
Congratulations to our collaborators Markus Fabits and Melanie Brinkmann together with Viriginie and Andreas. They found that UL35 interacts and modulates TBK1, an essential kinase of the innate immune pathway. Their paper just got accepted in microoganisms. Well done!
Congratulations to Christian and Hendrik Welsch (Marco Binder lab). Their work on persistent stimulation of cells got accepted in Viruses.
Mid February our laboratory went for a fantastic 3-day retreat in which we discussed science and the future of the laboratory. The exposed location on the Zugspitze (highest mountain in Germany) was both inspiring and breathtaking (literally). After three exhausting days of scientific discussions we returned with new ideas, future strategies to fight virus infections and a great new group picture.
Congratulations to Anna and Valter for publishing a function role of the alternative CBC!
The alternative cap binding complex consisting of NCBP1 and -3 exports mRNA but is redundant under physiological conditions. However, virus infection or challenge with innate immune stimuli revealed a critical function of the alternative CBC in modulation of the innate immune system. This was particularly evident in NCBP3 deficient mice that showed increased susceptibility to influenza A virus infection.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Pichlmair
Immunopathology of Virus Infections Laboratory, Institute of Virology, Technical University of Munich
Einsteinstr. 25, D-81675 Munich, Germany
tel: +49 (0) 89 4140 9270, email: andreas.pichlmair@tum.de
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